Silo - Vincent Lavergne
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Faced with urban sprawling, cities today are keen to make the most of abandoned built areas rather than participate in building anew in the surrounding countryside, a characteristic of a bygone era. Very often, the last available land is close to major urban infrastructures, whose disturbances have naturally delayed the occupation of such land. How can these neglected urban fringes now be developed and become actors in the creation of welcoming and sustainable urban environments?

This narrow piece of land located along the railway line south of the Messina metropolis is intended to support the development of the Amphitheatre Joint Development Zone (ZAC). Our project therefore includes a reversible wood-framed multi-storey car park, associated with a programme of offices and public facilities. The installation of a car park makes it possible to accompany the economic and commercial development of the district, but also to offer an alternative to the massive waterproofing of the grounds induced by individual parking on the scale of the ZAC. Through this shared, ecological and reversible facility, we thus participate in the vision for a sustainable, flexible and virtuous city.

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Silo - Vincent Lavergne
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Silo - Vincent Lavergne
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Silo - Vincent Lavergne
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Silo - Vincent Lavergne
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Silo - Vincent Lavergne
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Silo - Vincent Lavergne
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Silo - Vincent Lavergne
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Silo - Vincent Lavergne
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