Grands moulins
Transformation of the Grands Moulins de Corbeil into a mixed-use contemporary quarter
Corbeil-Essonnes (91) project in progress
Grands moulins - Vincent Lavergne
ONF office Headquarters
Siège de l’Office National des Forets.
Maisons Alfort (94) Réalisation 2022
ONF office Headquarters - Vincent Lavergne
RTE Headquarters
Offices, secure management facility, showroom, staff canteen
Marseille (13) Chantier en cours.
RTE Headquarters - Vincent Lavergne
Amundi Gennevilliers
Feasibility ; 202 housing units, 45 student rooms, and a clinic
Gennevilliers (92)
Amundi Gennevilliers - Vincent Lavergne
Watt tower
Rehabilitation, extension and raising of the Tour du Loiret; Paris (75) Réalisation 2022.
Watt tower - Vincent Lavergne
Commune tower
222 student housing units, Metro line 10 access ; Delivery 2021; Paris Habitat
Paris (75) France Chantier en cours
Commune tower - Vincent Lavergne
Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024
140 family homes and 121 apartments
Dugny (93) livré en 2024.
Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024 - Vincent Lavergne
283 logements en pierre massive et structure bois
Rosny-sous-Bois (93) Projet livré en 2022
Metropolitan - Vincent Lavergne
Villa Doma
Construction/demolition of 219 social housing units, Salon de Provence (13), France; Delivery 2021; CDC Habitat Projet livré en 2023.
Villa Doma - Vincent Lavergne
Lumi 2.0
Construction d'un immeuble de 4 lots à usages mixtes : bureaux, logements, locaux d'activités et parking.
Livraison prévue pour 2026
Lumi 2.0 - Vincent Lavergne
Routlens Lot 29B1
Contest Lost ; 100 Housing Units
Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg)
Routlens Lot 29B1 - Vincent Lavergne
Cap Pinède
Student residence (286 rooms) + student centre + training centre and offices + two commercial spaces
Marseille (13) Projet en cours d'étude.
Cap Pinède - Vincent Lavergne
Paris Puces
Projet lauréat Inventons la Métropole
Artisanat, Commerces, Restauration, Local associatif dédié à la vie de quartier, Bureaux, Equipement d’enseignement supérieur (Ecole des Puces de Paris Saint-Ouen), hôtellerie co-living
Paris 18e (75) Projet en cours d'étude.
Paris Puces - Vincent Lavergne
Cap Janet
Social housing for young workers
Marseille (13) Concours.
Cap Janet - Vincent Lavergne
Réhabilitation de 364 logements et 44 logements en surélévation
Paris 19e (75) Concours.
Palimpseste - Vincent Lavergne
Chocolaterie Noisiel
49 homes for sales and 70 homes for rent
Noisiel (77) Concours.
Chocolaterie Noisiel - Vincent Lavergne
Ybrid tower
120 logements + co-working + commerces
Lyon (69) Concours.
Ybrid tower - Vincent Lavergne
85 housing units, sports facilities, bulky waste recycling unit and garden ; Completion 2021; Paris Habitat
Paris (75) France Projet non réalisé.
Ménilmontant - Vincent Lavergne
Arena II
Multifunctional event room; Paris (75), France; 2020 Competition; Solideo
Project carried out in association with Groupe6. Concours.
Arena II - Vincent Lavergne
Saint-Ouen school
A 17 class school in the Paris Games 2024 Olympic Village
Saint Ouen (93) Concours.
Saint-Ouen school - Vincent Lavergne
Les pyramides d’Évry
Cultural and community centre
Evry (91) Concours.
Les pyramides d’Évry - Vincent Lavergne
Bloom Banja Luka
Performance halls (200, 700, 1,500 seats), conference space, offices, on site restaurants, exhibition space
Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Concours.
Bloom Banja Luka - Vincent Lavergne
Multi-storey car park, offices, sports facilities, Metz (57), France; Competition 2019; SAREMM. Étude de faisabilité 2019
Silo - Vincent Lavergne
RATP Pleyel
Urban transformation of a bus center and land development in Saint-Denis (93) Projet en cours d'étude.
RATP Pleyel - Vincent Lavergne
Packard Plant Detroit
Transformation of the Packard Plant site in Detroit, USA
Packard Plant Detroit - Vincent Lavergne
Montjoie Saint-Denis
272 housing units, school, sports facilities; Saint-Denis (93), France; Completed 2017; Sequano Aménagement Projet livré en 2017.
Montjoie Saint-Denis - Vincent Lavergne
Mercado Villacerda
Covered market and 80 individual houses; Barcelona, Spain; Ongoing studies; Private Projet en cours d'étude.
Mercado Villacerda - Vincent Lavergne
Pantin Jean Jaurès
77 apartments
Pantin (93) Projet livré en 2022
Pantin Jean Jaurès - Vincent Lavergne
Rijksmuseum workshops
Carpentry and Art Restoration Workshops in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Concours.
Rijksmuseum workshops - Vincent Lavergne
D6 Rungis
Organic food pavilion, restaurant, offices, 16 sales units; Rungis (94), France; Completed 2015; Semmaris Projet livré en 2015.
D6 Rungis - Vincent Lavergne
Paris Amsterdam
22 room boarding house and ground floor businesses
Paris, 8th Arrondisement (75) Projet livré en 2023.
Paris Amsterdam - Vincent Lavergne
Medellin Mixcity
Development of a mixed-use block in Medellin, Colombia Études Urbanisme. Concours.
Medellin Mixcity - Vincent Lavergne
Bordeaux Mirail
125 student housing units; Bordeaux (33), France Projet livré en 2020.
Bordeaux Mirail - Vincent Lavergne
306 housing units, shopping facilities; Villiers-sur-Marne (94), France; Delivery 2019; Adoma Projet livré en 2019.
Hautes-noues - Vincent Lavergne
Construction of mid-range wooden housing in Annemasse, Haute-Savoie Études.
Pentehouses - Vincent Lavergne
Citta della scienza
Urban transformation of the Precision Electrical Components Factory; Rome, Italy; Competition 2015; City of Rome Concours.
Citta della scienza - Vincent Lavergne
Transformation urbaine ; New York. Concours, projet finaliste.
Mainstreet - Vincent Lavergne
Amiral Bruix
Transformation and extension of an office building in Paris. Concours.
Amiral Bruix - Vincent Lavergne
Pavillon étudiant
Administrative building for village II; Pessac (33), France; Completed 2015; CROUS Projet livré en 2015.
Pavillon étudiant - Vincent Lavergne