Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024 - Vincent Lavergne
1/16 Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024
12 822 m2 ; livraison 2024 ; Équipe : VLAU + CIGUE + RAUM + MANIFESTO (Maitre d'ouvrage)
Connects the city centre to the Georges Valbon departmental park

The Olympic Games Media Village Project extends the city park of Dugny and integrates the Plateau area into the wider city by developing a complementary urban space to the existing city centre. The project will have two roles during its lifetime: during the Olympics it will be the heart of media operations for the Paris Games, afterwards it will be adapted into family housing.

The ambition is to develop the “model contemporary garden city”, frugal and sustainable. The project strives to both reduce and enrich – according to the existing urban and geographical context – the spaces created by the urban plan through its  dialogue with the existing gardens. Its situation encourages bright housing, with double exposures and generous outdoor spaces. Homes rest on plinths that absorb the natural relief of the plateau and generate landscaped spaces on multiple levels: from those providing services and parking to others creating residential thoroughfares. The buildings are made of solid brick, used for its durability and resistance to the climate and pollution. Arranged around three distinct plots, the 140 homes of the project emerge from a heart of green space, like totems grown and sculpted to play with light, shadows and the orientation of the viewer. The variations of colours and form gives an individuality for each building – allowing each resident to clearly identify themselves at their address – while still giving the district an overall harmony.

The program also includes a managed residence and two plots of family housing. Fine landscaping work was undertaken at ground level in order to create protected gardens sheltered from view, while being at the crossroads of individual and collective housing.

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Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024 - Vincent Lavergne
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Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024 - Vincent Lavergne
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Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024 - Vincent Lavergne
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Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024 - Vincent Lavergne
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Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024 - Vincent Lavergne
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Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024 - Vincent Lavergne
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Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024 - Vincent Lavergne
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Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024 - Vincent Lavergne
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Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024 - Vincent Lavergne
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Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024 - Vincent Lavergne
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Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024 - Vincent Lavergne
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Olympic Media village – Paris Olympics 2024 - Vincent Lavergne
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